Dear colleagues who are interested in residual disease in Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia, the MRD-LLC group of the AFC intends to resume its activity during the year 2022!
After a promising start in 2019, the group’s dynamic was also disrupted by SARS-CoV-2… which brought the project to a real halt. We were able to organize two training sessions or rediscovery of the fundamental bases and techniques of research of residual disease LLC on the site of the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny in March and December 2019. Unfortunately, it was not possible to go further but today, faced with an improvement that we hope will be lasting in the health context, we want to relaunch the work of the group.
We are going to offer you two sessions on the same model as the previous ones, they will take place during the fall of 2022. Several centers have already known to participate in the next training edition. They will be contacted soon in order to define the dates of our future meetings, face to face, on the site of the Avicenne hospital. Do not hesitate however to contact me at the following address remi.letestu@aphp.fr, if you wish to register.
At the same time, for centers that have already taken this training in 2019, we are going to offer a resumption of control with meetings by videoconference. In this case, the objective is to refresh knowledge and/or come back to practical problems encountered during the implementation of procedures on your sites. The precise timetable has not yet been decided.
In the longer term, and in a possibly mixed “remote/face-to-face” format, the objective is to maintain periodic exchanges in order to set up a space for sharing experience and disseminating new products as well as providing training. continues and a quality follow-up for those who wish it.
I hope that these various proposals will materialize and that they will interest you. If you have any questions or thoughts, contact me on remi.letestu@aphp.fr, I will do my best to answer you as soon as possible.
Looking forward to meeting you very soon!
Remi Letestu
Les coordinateurs
Remi Letestu
MCU-PH chez Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris-Seine-Saint-Denis-APHP-Hôpitaux Universitaires Avicenne / Jean Verdier.