Join the AFC

As every year, we invite you to renew your membership of the AFC.

In 2025, several scientific events will be organized (Webinars, Annual Congress in Dijon) and the AFC will pursue its more general missions (actions in favor of technicians and students, relations with industry, relations with our scientific partners). To do so, it needs the financial support of its members and industrial partners.

In 2025, prices will remain the same:

For our industrial partners: the distribution of an annual Webinar to our members is always included in the €500 membership fee.

You can edit your own quotation in “member area / edit a quotation”. Please note that the quote does not replace the online membership application!

To avoid duplication, please check your “member” status before renewing your membership (“member area / membership certificate”).

There are several ways to become a member of the AFC in the “member’s area/join the AFC” section:

1- Whenever possible, please pay online by credit card, which will enable you to become an active member immediately.

2- If you wish to pay by bank transfer, you’ll find all the bank details on the quotation. Choose the “order by purchase order” option and attach a PDF proof of your transfer in place of the purchase order.

3- Finally, payment by purchase order is still possible. You’ll need to enclose your purchase order with the online request: remember to prepare it in advance. If you are several people from the same organization, please group your payments on a single order form. Order forms should be made out to :


Association Française de Cytometrie/ AFC
3 boulevard Saint-Germain 75005 Paris – France
Association loi 1901 – N° SIRET : 399 911 031 00058 – Code APE : 7219Z 


We prefer to communicate electronically with our members. We therefore ask you to pay particular attention to the transcription of your e-mail address.

We look forward to hearing from you!