Image Cytometry : Cell Cycle in Image Cytometry

The Image Cytometry Working Group of the French Association of Cytometry offers a Webinar

Monday, October 3, 2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Interest of image cytometry in the evaluation of the expression and localization of the TRIM37 protein during the cell cycle in a chondrocyte line

Benjamin Brigant

Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR),  Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine (IKOM),NTNU, Trondheim, Norvège

Registration is mandatory via the following form:  link

Registration deadline September 28, 2022. The meeting link will be sent to you once registration has been completed.

Hope to see many of you there!

The Image Cytometry group ’

V. Duplan-Eche, S. Dussurgey, Y. Demont, M. Dussiot, C. Guérin, J. Cosette, M. Boyer-Clavel, F. Hédin, ML.  Renoud, AL. Raveu, A. Malfait-Jobart  

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