5ème Congrès FSEV 19-21 Octobre 2022
After two years of exchanging via screens, we are impatient to be able to bring together the community of EVologists during a face-to-face congress.
For the occasion, the FSEV (French Society of Extracellular Vesicles) is joining forces with the AFC (French Cytometry Association) to organize a congress in Paris from October 19 to 21, 2022.
This congress will offer you an afternoon dedicated to the contribution of flow cytometry technology in the study of extracellular vesicles.
Two days of plenary sessions, oral presentations and posters will then follow which will give you an overview of the vitality and excellence of French research on extracellular vesicles. We hope to see many of you there!
Registration and abstract submission are open. You can submit your abstracts until September 09, 2022. Registration is open until September 30, 2022.
To register you will find all the information on the dedicated page of our site. (https://www.fsev.fr/fsev-meeting-2022.html)
The organizing committees of the FSEV and the AFC.